Brainstorm your Health

Brainstorm you Health on services and products here. You will learn factual information, with 100% all natural products for your wellbeing. Our “Brain,” “Heart,” “Sleep Patterns,” and “Body” all depend on how we function daily. We are a complete entity that needs to be maintained daily. Our goal in life is to structure who we are and how we crucially need our bodies to function correctly. Each step we take daily, will ensure we live to the fullest and at our best. Sign up for your products here today!


The “Brain” is the most complex organ we have in our body. It controls everything we do.

Here is a list, of four out of seven parts of your brain, and how they each function. Brainstorm your Health

  1. Memory; The Memory stores all the prudent information you learn as a child through your adult years. There is so much storage as I call it, within your Brain, you could never fill up your unit to the fullest capacity. As you get older, you tend to forget things that took place way back when. Do we sometime even forget what you did yesterday! Working, Sensory, Short-term, Long-term is all effected by your memory. If your “Brain” gets foggy, you are unable to function or remember what it is you do or supposed to be doing daily. “I just had a Brain fart.” Basically, we forgot! Learning, recalling and thinking is all part of our memory.
  2. Emotion; Sad, Happy, Fear, Short-tempers are all part of our emotions. Additionally, how we control these emotions can be structured to function properly again, or without medication if we have the right resources and facts within our finger-tips. How many of us have heard the phrase, “She is one that cry’s at a pin drop. In addition, we will hence forth change how we feel.


3. Touch; is a signal which run through your body, and then reach your “Brain” to sensor different physical feelings or hands on touch. Brainstorm your Health with touch.

4.Hunger; Hunger slows down the sensory cues within your brain, and delays the development on the cognitive (thinking, reasoning, or remembering) in impairment. If you are anything like me, I take hunger sometime to a different level. Firstly, I eat out of anxiety and depression. Secondly, eat to eat because it is there in front of me, for something to do. Hunger is lack of oxygen to the brain per say. We are not able to function within the Memory, Emotion, and Touch. These all role play with each other in the cortex of the Brain. However, is the Brain most of the function within our minds?

Service and Product for the “Brain.”

All Technology we have at our reach, here is a product and service with in a suggestion to help with the “Brain.” We need natural products, and here is a new Bio-Hacking service and solution for thinking clearer, get in touch with our emotions, hunger and memory. Here is a product which enhances all of the above!

Bran reimagined for the Brain, full of nootropic added with 16 nutrients to fuel the most important organ of your body. This product will immediately boost your mental energy, positive thinking, improve focus, alertness, and mental focus. Get started with yours here today!

Factors to take into consideration with your weight and sleep

How you Sleep impacts your Brain to function normally on a daily basis. Some of us can only sleep four to five hours a night, and never wake up feeling refreshed. Our eating patterns before bedtime, drinking coffee or other caffeine plays as a factor. Obesity is very high within our society today, whether it be genetic or over eating, body fat accumulates over time and suffocates our healthy cells from functioning to their fullest. Firstly, we all need the right diet and exercise to keep healthy. How much sleep, deep sleep, do you get in a night? Do you feel like you never went to bed or rested the morning after? If you answered with a negative response to either one of these, then this solution is for you!

Healthy Products For You to Lose Weight and Sleep all night, waking up refreshed!

Bio-Hacking for Weight-loss and a better nights Sleep is here with all natural snap on product that will make a difference in your life right away! All natural, no additives you will find in a narcotic form, just fold and squirt in your mouth and enjoy all the flavors too! Here is another Bio-Hacking for Weight-loss and Sleep you just cant go without for your Brain and your Health! Brainstorm your Health today! There are two stages to Zlem. Step 1 is for Detox, taken before bed/for 7 days. Step 2 is the extended sleep and weight-loss, taken for 24 days, just before bed.

Our nighttime formula for sound sleep, body composition optimization, and overall better health and daily performance. Here are some of the Benefits of taking Zlem.

  • Supports Healthy Weight Management; I started out on this product a year ago in March, and on my first night, I slept through the night and woke up refreshed and ready to go! Within the first week, I started to feel better, inches were coming off and within three weeks, I lost 8lbs!
  • Body Balance Serotonin Levels. The picture below explains how this balance works within your body and brain.
  • May help tone down your stress level. We gain weight when we are under pressure and stress about things throughout our day. Did you know when you are stressed, and not enough sleep, your sexual function decreases too?
  • Improves Sleep Quality. This product is to be taken at least one hour before bed time. You will instantly know when you are tired, I know I did!

Now that you have chosen to work with your Brain, how far will you go to enhance your brain? There is many studies in this technology also within the Bio-Hacking family, we all need to share with everyone we come across. Isn’t it time you get started today in a new quality of life for your Health and Fitness? Go here now and live happier and longer for you and your family today!